WhatsApp is working on a new feature called message reactions, allowing the users to express their sentiments for that particular message. At present, users show their...
WhatsApp has recently released a new beta version that comes with a most notable change in the user interface. The changes are related to the...
The WhatsApp multi-device feature allows a user to operate WhatsApp on other devices such as desktops and laptops even when the smartphone isn’t connected to the internet. A...
Previously, a report revealed that WhatsApp is working to revamp the business info layout for the business account holders on the iOS and making the contacting...
WhatsApp disappearing messages is kind of a media control feature that allows the sender to set the existence or viewability of a message in the chat....
WhatsApp started to roll out larger link preview update for the iOS and Android devices beta testers. It will generate a larger link preview while sharing...
Make your text looks cooler with the messages format tricks in WhatsApp, which aren’t available with specific options nor you can disable them from the message...
WhatsApp chat migration is always an issue when it comes to OS WhatsApp chat migration such as iOS to Android or oppositely. Although, WhatsApp allows the...
The latest information revealed that WhatsApp making new changes in the WhatsApp Status and will provide one more option to see them. However, this feature is...
WhatsApp Web/Desktop is getting new drawing tools with the new update, bringing more customization options for image and video editing. This is another feature released for...