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SK Hynix former employee allegedly charged for passing chip tech to Huawei



Huawei SK Hynix chip tech

A new report surfing on the internet says that a former SK Hynix employee stealthily passed significant chip tech data to Huawei. The worker is now under lawsuit investigation for moving more than 3000 pages of data related to chip making.

The male worker of Chinese nationality joined SK Hynix in 2013 as an employee in the semiconductor designing sector. He even participated in business deals with China. Although after a long run of 9 years, he moved to Huawei in June 2022.

As of now, SK Hynix found that the employee has printed over 3000 pages of data related to the chip tech and passed it to Huawei. Note that this data could be super-significant for Huawei to give a tough spot to its rivals in the chipmaking race.

SK Hynix mainly works on advanced DRAM processors such as HBM3e, GDDR7 VRAM, as well as HBM4 technology. And leaks of these SoC could aid Huawei a lot.

Inputs further say that this incident happened as the Chinese OEM used to hang baits of high-income so employees could shift to its franchise along with important details of the previous workplace. Although the accuracy of the report is still in question.

Huawei SK Hynix chip tech

SK Hynix DDRM chip (Image Credits: SK Hynix)

Former employee’s view:

When interrogated about the scenario to the accused person, he said that he only printed the data to study the chips and not to leak them. But SK Hynix didn’t believe the statement and reported the agency as soon as it found out about the incident.

“As soon as we realized that (the former employee) had printed the information, we reported it to the investigative agencies, and we are supporting the investigation of the suspect and monitoring the investigation.” – SK Hynix spokesperson.

Huawei has not made any official comment on this matter so far. The news is still a huge dilemma for everyone at the moment. The person will appear for the first trial at the Yeoju branch of the Suwon District Court. By that time, let’s see how Huawei reacts to this headline.



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