
New Huawei Pangu AI model launching on April 8



Huawei will unveil the launch of its new Pangu AI Model series on April 8 during an AI conference in China. This AI model lineup was out of action for the last two years and is prepared for a comeback.

The Artificial Intelligence Large Model Technology Summit Forum will start on April 8 to April 9. It is hosted by the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou China.

Tian Qi, Huawei Cloud’s chief scientist in the field of artificial intelligence will unveil “the progress and application of the Pangu model” from 11:00-11:30 (China time) on April 8.


New Huawei Pangu AI series contains NLP large models, CV large models, and scientific computing large models (meteorological large models).

Among them, the NLP large model is considered to be the AI ​​large model closest to the human Chinese comprehension ability, and the CV large model takes into account the ability of image discrimination and generation for the first time.

Guosheng Securities Liu Gaochang and others stated in a research report released on March 26 that the Pangu NLP large model is the industry’s first Chinese pre-training large model with 100 billion parameters.

The Pangu CV large model is the industry’s largest CV large model and is the first to achieve both It is the first in the industry in terms of discrimination and generation capabilities and small-sample learning capabilities on ImageNet. The Pangu meteorological large model provides second-level weather forecasts.

On March 23, during Huawei’s spring flagship new product launch conference, Huawei brought a new smart image search feature based on multi-model large model technology. Miniaturizing the model on the mobile side and also making Huawei’s Pangu model draw the attention of major institutions in the market.

What is an AI model?

AI modeling is the creation, training, and deployment of machine learning algorithms that emulate logical decision-making based on available data. AI models provide a foundation to support advanced intelligence methodologies such as real-time analytics, predictive analytics, and augmented analytics.

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