
Huawei won China Unicom 5G SA wireless 3.5G Single source bid



As per the latest news, China Telecom announced that Huawei, ZTE, and two other firms won the China Unicom 5G SA wireless main equipment 3.5G procurement 2021 construction project bid.

In the latest edition, China Telecom explained that the company intends to purchase this project from a single source for more ambitious negotiations and selects the following four major firms of Mainland.

  1. Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
  2. ZET Corporation
  3. Datang Mobile Communication Equipment Co. Ltd
  4. Ericsson Communications Co. Ltd.

Earlier in June 2021, Huawei also won the bid for the user data equipment for the number portability procurement project for NP/AUSF/UDM/UDR user data network elements. Adding to this, the user data equipment project targets about 30 million households for basic and 10 million households for 5G network facilities to be installed.

Huawei China Unicom Collaboration:

Huawei and China Unicom have previously worked on many projects and established new benchmarks in the 5G industry and cloud industry.

On July 22, Huawei, Media Gropu, and China Unicom officially released the smart manufacturing demonstration factory that incorporates the 5G technology. It is designed with smart warehousing, smart vehicle management, and AI smart monitoring protocols. (Read Here)

Prior to this in May, Huawei and China Unicom Beijing branch positioned the 5G gigabit technology in the China National Stadium of about 258,000-meter square with 91,000 seats.

(Via- Ithome)

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