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Huawei will promote native HarmonyOS apps with $1 billion investment



Huawei $1 billion HarmonyOS apps

Huawei is planning to invest nearly $1 billion in the promotion and development of HarmonyOS native apps. The Chinese tech giant seeks new ways that can help it build a powerful application ecosystem for its devices and consumers.

Chen Xinxin – the general manager of HarmonyOS Industry Solutions has attended the China International Fair for Trade-In Service on Saturday. At the summit, the executive shed light on the HarmonyOS app ecosystem and its development.

Xinxin says that Huawei is planning to soon invest $1 billion (more than 7 billion yuan, approx $987 million) to encourage the HarmonyOS native apps promotion.

The motive is clear. Huawei is looking for every possible effort that expand the HarmonyOS app ecosystem. It seems a key challenge for the company as Android with GMS (Google Mobile Services) and iOS still occupy space in its home ground.

But Huawei is steadily moving ahead on this matter. The company reached the 4000+ HarmonyOS native apps development mark in April this year. In the coming months, the tech giant may achieve a new record in this segment.

Huawei $1 billion HarmonyOS apps

Huawei will promote native HarmonyOS apps with a $1 billion investment (Image Credits: Huawei)

During the HDC 2024 event, the Chairman of Huawei Consumer Business Yu Chengdong said HarmonyOS exceeded 900 million installations with 2.54 million developers. Thanks to several new features that enhanced the user experience.

Over time, many developers have joined the new HarmonyOS native app journey. Some popular names are, Bilibili, KFC, McDonald’s, and more. JD is even ready to unveil the official HarmonyOS NEXT-based shopping app later this month.

According to Huawei, many enterprises have ditched Android and iOS app platforms in favor of native HarmonyOS apps. The company further believes that the rise of HarmonyOS will benefit China to become independent and controllable.

HarmonyOS NEXT stable is ready to debut on the consumer platform. The inputs reveal that Huawei will officially launch its self-developed OS by the end of this month. Meanwhile, the Mate 70 series will also come out of the box with a new software system.


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