
Huawei founder proposed to license 5G technology to American companies



Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of Huawei has just put a new offer on the table for the Trump administration that would give proprietary access to Huawei’s 5G technology in terms of finding a resolution of the current issues.

Ren in an interview with Nytimes told, “There are no restrictions on what we would be willing to discuss with the Department of Justice.”

And if the United States which has no indigenous 5G networking manufacturer still does not trust Huawei to install its equipment across America at scale, added Ren, then he is also ready, for the first time, to license the entire Huawei 5G platform to any American company that wants to manufacture it and install it and operate it, completely independent of Huawei.

“Huawei is open to sharing our 5G technologies and techniques with U.S. companies so that they can build up their own 5G industry. That would create a balanced situation between China, the U.S. and Europe,” told Ren.

The Huawei leader added for a one-time fee would allow the other company to access to Huawei’s existing 5g patents, licenses, code, technical blueprints, and production know-how.

The buyer could modify the source code, meaning that neither Huawei nor the Chinese government would have no control of any telecoms infrastructure built using equipment produced by the new company.

Ren’s statement of giving away its core 5G network technology to another company is not a normal statement. Therefore it’s the company’s biggest to get resolution on the EntityList.

Back in May, Huawei was included in the US Entity-List that bans the company from doing business with the US firms and purchasing their technologies. Also, this blacklisting affecting not only Huawei but also the US firms.

Currently, the only other 5G major suppliers are Nokia and Ericsson, European companies, that are charging too much compared to Huawei’s.

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