
Huawei completes 5.5G synaesthetic fusion technology verification



On October 23, 2023, the organization of the IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group China and Huawei first tested micro-deformation and ocean ship sensing and monitoring capabilities based on 5.5G synaesthetic fusion technology. And verified the wireless Synaesthesia enhancement performance in man-machine low-altitude scenarios.

This time Huawei’s synaesthetic fusion capability verification has extended traditional low-altitude and road-sensing capabilities to ocean scenes.

In Shenzhen, the 4.9GHz frequency band is used, and 20MHz can be used to track and report the tracks of multiple ships. The sensing distance reaches 20km, and the average sensing speed error is less than 1km/h.

The communication perception fusion technology is one of the important innovation directions of 5.5G. It integrates perception capabilities on communication systems, uses wireless signals to provide real-time environmental awareness, and opens up innovative application spaces beyond traditional connections.

Huawei features the 4.9GHz frequency band, A-transmit, and A-receive sensing technology, to test the base station’s ability to perceive small movements of objects. When the proportion of sensing resources does not exceed 3%, 5.5G synaesthetic fusion technology can realize millimeter-level micro-movement sensing of metal reflectors within the line of sight.

This technical solution has important application prospects for identifying the deformation status of infrastructure buildings such as bridges and buildings and discovering potential risks and safety hazards in advance.

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