
Huawei bets on 5.5G at MWC Shanghai 2023



MWC Shanghai 2023 is on and Huawei is participating to showcase the evolution of 5G and advancement in 5.5G at the conference under the theme of “GUIDE to the Intelligent World”.

This year, the company’s activities include an experiential tour that takes audiences to multiple cities to learn about their technology and business, as well as the launch of its newest innovative products and solutions for 5GigaGreen, 5G intelligent core networks, Intelligent OptiX Networks, private line + X products, and other intelligent digital transformation solutions.

Huawei will also host numerous roundtables and dialogues with global operators, industry partners, and opinion leaders, to explore a variety of topics which include speeding up 5G prosperity, advancing intelligent digital transformation, and striding towards the 5.5G era to realize business, industry, and social value.

“The digital infrastructure of the future intelligent world will be deeply integrated into every aspect of our lives, industry, and society. It won’t be based on advancements in individual technologies, but rather on incredibly massive, complex systems – the convergence of multiple elements. It’s going to require systems-level thinking and design. When watching a chess game, you can see the big picture. But when you’re playing chess, you focus on the details. Likewise, systematic capabilities to integrate technology and transform management are critical for the future success of 5G. First, let’s talk about integrating different technologies. We can achieve greater synergy across cloud, networks, edge, and devices through systematic design and innovation across domains. When coupled with optimization across software, hardware, chips, and algorithms, we can address the challenges associated with developing complex solutions for vastly different industrial scenarios. Next, is management transformation. Digital and intelligent transformation is not just about technology itself. It’s more about transforming your approach to management. Going digital requires redefining the relationships between people, events, things, and theory, and adopting a more open, forward-looking management approach to address future challenges.” mentioned Huawei’s Rotating Chairwoman and CFO, Meng Wanzhou.

That’s not it, Huawei is showcasing various 5.5G technologies at MWC Shanghai 2023, which is available to check at the booth.

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