
Huawei and China Unicom installed 5G Ubiquitous Gigabit in the National Stadium



The Massive MIMO technology of Huawei is the widely improved gigabit network technology that delivers enhanced signal quality, assures high-speed transmission, and a high-quality experience in dense areas covered with 5G. It allows indoor networks to grasp the multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO).

Many fellow companies of Huawei are benefited by this high-performance network technology and the company is still expanding its reaching areas.

As per the latest information, Huawei and China Unicom Beijing branch jointly installed 5G Ubiquitous Gigabit wireless network solution in the National Stadium. It was done in the honoring of 2021 World Telecommunication & Information Society Day also abbreviated at WTISD.

After the installation, the network transmission rate reached 1 Gbps in 90% of the grandstand area. Both the firm used the combined techniques of a 5G LampSite digital indoor network with an ultra-wide bandwidth of 300 MHz and the innovative distributed Massive MIMO technology.

This stadium is spread over 258,000 m2 with that  91,000 sitting capacity. For its mammoth size, this stadium is also famous as Bird’s Nest and indeed of ubiquitous high-speed experience for the high density of mobile users present during the events.

At the event, Marvin Chen, President of Huawei DIS Product Line shade some light on the Massive MIMO technology indicating that Huawei is determining to explore more solutions in this field. He said,

 “Distributed Massive MIMO introduces Massive MIMO to the digital headends of indoor networks.

Due to this innovative application, up to 64T64R transmission is now possible in indoor networks, adding to new tools carriers can leverage to provide ubiquitous Gigabit experience in indoor areas.

Huawei will continue to innovate network solutions to help carriers achieve ToB and ToC success.”


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