
Huawei 2021 revenue fall by 28.9 percent on year to RMB 634 billion



A report from Chinese media reveals that Huawei 2021 revenue fell 28.9 percent year on year to 634 billion yuan, in the fourth quarter of this year. The recent in total saw a decline of 19 percent to 178.2 billion in the quarter.

The 2021 Huawei revenue figure reflects current losses due to the U.S. sanctions and issues that have been generated by the important curbs. Therefore, the company cannot generate new products and sell them in the market.

To mark this occasion, Huawei’s Rotating Chairman, Guo Ping has released the 2022 New year Speech. In which, the head of the company estimates that sales revenue in 2921 will be approximately 634 billion yuan. Among all of the businesses, the telecom business remains strong, and cooperate business is growing well, meanwhile, the device business is making new efforts to find growth sources in the industry.

“We will not change our ideals and pursuits due to changes in the external environment. Exploring the future is the greatest social responsibility of technology companies. Engineering bottleneck.” said Guo.

Guo further enhanced his tone and try to pump up new energy in the employees with his speech.

Below you can check his full speech (translated from Chinese) on the 2021 Huawei revenue

In 2021, we have withstood the severe test, strive to create value for customers and society, and improve the quality and efficiency of operation. It is estimated that the annual sales revenue will be approximately RMB 634 billion.

Among them, the operator’s business performance is stable, the corporate business is growing healthily, and the terminal business is rapidly developing new industries. Our cooperation with customers and partners continues to deepen, our global business is operating normally, and various reform measures and strategic investments are proceeding in an orderly manner. The company’s overall operating conditions are in line with expectations.

In the past year, global employees have overcome challenges, spared no effort to ensure the supply of equipment and the safe operation of the network, and fulfilled their promises to customers. Kuwait has a high temperature of 50 degrees in summer and cannot be delivered during the day.

Huawei people often work at the station at 4 a.m. when the Philippine epidemic is cut off, we charter flights to areas where delivery is difficult, and cross the island by various means of transportation such as small steamers and crab boats.

Install equipment during the Tokyo Olympics, engineers carried more than ten kilograms of equipment on foot to repeatedly test and ensure communications. Stick to the front-line team in Malawi, a country of “mosquito tornado”, to help customers solve business difficulties and obtain high recognition.

Rescued Henan Huawei employees have worked hard to implement the company’s vision and mission with their own actions, such as flooding, going deep into coal mine ports, breaking the limits of algorithms, and ensuring business continuity.

The sharper the beat on the flint, the brighter the light it emits. Here, on behalf of the company’s board of directors, I would like to extend my high regards to all those who have worked hard and contributors, and express my heartfelt gratitude to all customers, governments, business partners, and consumers who trust and support Huawei, and to those who silently support Huawei. Salute to the employees’ family members!

Looking to the future, the digital economy has become the main engine of global economic growth, and green and low-carbon has become a new driving force for sustainable development.

The integration of industry digitization and green will bring huge development opportunities to the information processing and communication industries; at the same time, The external environment continues to be turbulent, and the ICT industry is facing challenges such as technological politicization and globalization. We must maintain strategic determination and rationally respond to external force majeure.

We will not change our ideals and pursuits because of changes in the external environment. Exploring the future is the biggest social responsibility of science and technology companies. We must strive to explore the endless frontiers of science and technology, open cooperation with the world, and break through basic theoretical limits and engineering bottlenecks.

We are also committed to applying ICT technology to thousands of industries through digitalization and intelligence. Upgrading and green energy saving and emission reduction create incremental value for all walks of life so that everyone can benefit from technological progress.

Strategically, Huawei insists on focusing on ICT infrastructure and smart terminals. While maintaining the advantages of a large platform, through pilot operations of industrial subsidiaries and legions, it shortens the management chain, quickly meets customer needs and creates commercial and social value. Within the company, the Legion represents the industry to find suitable technologies.

For customers, the Legion represents Huawei and partners to find solutions to problems. Bring the simplicity to the customer, and leave the complexity to yourself.

In 2022, we are still facing a series of challenges. We will work closely with our global partners and make unremitting efforts to overcome the difficulties together. In the new year, we must produce more food, strengthen our foundation, continue to invest in the future, and “survive and survive with quality” by creating value for customers and partners.

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