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Haier, China Mobile and Huawei signed cooperation on 5.5G tech



Haier China Mobile Huawei

A few days ago, Haier Smart Home, China Mobile Research Institute, and Huawei officially signed the 5G-Advanced (5G-A) Innovation Chain Industrial Chain Dual-chain Integration Action Plan strategic cooperation MOU (memorandum of understanding).

This cooperation between the three parties came after jointly releasing the “Haier’s Full-Scenario IoT Application White Paper Based on 5G-A Passive IoT” with industry partners in April this year.

Under the MOU, the three participants will build a digital model for smart manufacturing logistics based on 5G-Advanced (5G-A) innovative technology breakthroughs, carry out innovation in technology integration commercial scenarios, and achieve continued global leadership in industry digitalization.

Haier China Mobile Huawei

The aim of this MOU between Haier, China Mobile, and Huawei is to build the world’s first 5G-A industry digital model and conduct end-to-end verification of 5G-A IoT technology in industry commercial scenarios. It is guided by the China Mobile Research Institute’s “Innovation Chain-Industrial Chain” dual-chain integration action plan.

It is based on 5G-A passive IoT technology and integrates digital IoT information into the production logistics management system to realize material containers, tooling vehicles, digitization of key components, finished home appliances, and personnel management actively promotes the incubation of 5G-A passive IoT technology.


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