
GAC Group cooperates with Huawei to jointly develop L4 self-driving vehicles



Last March, an unknown spokesperson disclosed that Huawei and GAC Group’s GAC Aian vehicle company partnering together to create a new electric vehicle development team.

Additionally, it was reported that Huawei with GAC Aian started the development of manufacturing next-generation smart electric vehicles. In this segment, both companies have established the research and development team of hundreds of people for this project.

According to the latest news, at the GAC Technology day Press Conference 2021, Guangzhou Automobile Group announced that it will cooperate with Chinese smartphone maker Huawei to jointly develop L4 self-driving vehicles and plans to mass-produce them in 2024.

On the matter of a rumor of Huawei’s plans to launch its own electric vehicles has been denied by the company’s spokesperson. Meanwhile, regarding this, Huawei responded that it will supply spare parts and technology to GAC Aian.

As per previous information, GAC Aian announced an upcoming car GAC AION V, which equipped with the world’s first 5G+V2X smart terminal in December 2020. This car will be Huawei’s latest generation of Barong 5000 5G chips and expected to arrive in the market this year.

Moreover, on March 9, Huawei has published a patent related to lidar technology, which was applied in the year 2019. This innovation can be used in autonomous driving and connected vehicles. It includes laser, first sub-terminal module, generator, main tube coherent detection module, modulation processing control module.


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