
Do you know mobile carriers are offering the lowest ever trade-in price for Huawei P20 Pro



Huawei P20 Pro is the first smartphone that recreated smartphone camera standards and forced other smartphone companies to include more lenses in their smartphones to compete against this flagship.

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Now, users of this featured phone along with regular Huawei P20 users may feel disappointed because their phone is now only worth only around (£50) $60 on “Trade-in” program in the UK and out in most of the country.

Mobile carriers in the UK are offering only £50 (previously £270) on the trade-in of Huawei P20 Pro compared to Samsung’s Galaxy S9+ which is currently getting £245, while the actual price of P20 Pro is £529.

Its brother Huawei P20 will get £35 on trade-in compared to Galaxy S9 £200, which is a big difference. Other mobile carriers are offering even less price on the devices exchange.

This difference in trade-in prices is possible because of the uncertainty created by Google’s service restrictions imposed on Huawei devices earlier this week and retailers are concerned whether Huawei phones will get Google’s services after 90 days exemption.

Mobile carrier and local retailers around the world have also paused selling new Huawei smartphones citing the same Google services reason and waiting for a resolve on this matter.

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