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Chinese scientist says Huawei monopolistic tech can’t win against US



Chinese scientist Huawei tech US

A Chinese computer scientist – Sun Ninghui calls Huawei business model a monopolistic in the U.S. tech war. According to him, China can’t win this battle against foreign technologies by only relying on “anti-competitive” and closed solutions.

Sun Ninghui is one of the prominent computer scientists in China. He is also a researcher and director at the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In one of his recent speeches, the person reportedly criticized Huawei.

He says that Huawei’s business development model seems quite closed and monopolistic. The company’s dominance in the industrial sector as well as the technological chain won’t help China stand against the U.S. in the technology race.

“From chip manufacturing to software to large AI models to computing power networks, it’s best for everyone else not to participate, and Huawei will take over everything. I think we are using this kind of Chinese-style closure and monopoly to fight Western-style monopoly and containment, which we certainly can’t win.”

Another industry computer expert shared the same point saying that the dominance of one tech firm in the region hinders a healthy innovation ecosystem.

The expert gave the example of Samsung’s dominance in South Korea that obstructed the country’s overall tech progress. Although that’s just one side of the coin!

Chinese scientist Huawei tech US

Chinese scientist says Huawei monopolistic tech can’t win against US (Image Credits: HuaweiCentral)

A Chinese investor shed light on this matter saying that the problem isn’t as serious as Sun has pictured it to individuals. He says that China is currently focusing on collecting resources with the help of large companies. After attaining success on this matter, it won’t be a big deal to address monopoly issues in the region.

Perhaps the familiar Chinese scientist has criticized Huawei business models in the US tech war, due to some other reasons.

Criticism due to conflict?

Xiang Ligang – a tech analyst said that Sun has openly criticized Huawei due to a business conflict. He said that a few scientists working with Sun are upset due to successful firms like Huawei, as their products aren’t a part of the world’s top ranking anymore.

The analyst further noted that Sun has called Huawei monopolistic as it has no way of proving the strength of its supercomputers. They often call their rivals incapable or weak in practical and commercial value. Xiang also mentioned that Huawei is growing after facing challenges and being choked by others.

|| Source – SCMP ||

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